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Texas woman almost dies because she could not terminate her pregnancy

Amanda Zurawski, from Austin, underwent a year and a half of fertility treatments to start a family with her husband. In August 2022, at 18 weeks, she experienced preterm premature rupture of membranes (PPROM), when a pregnant woman’s water breaks before the fetus is viable. Amanda was seen at the hospital, where she was denied abortion care because her doctors could still detect fetal cardiac activity. Three days later, she showed signs of infection and was diagnosed with sepsis. Doctors performed an emergency induction abortion, and she spent the next three days in the ICU. She survived, but the infection caused one of her fallopian tubes to become permanently closed, compromising her future ability to have children. Amanda became the named plaintiff in a Center for Reproductive Rights case against the State of Texas challenging Texas abortion law. In April 2023, Amanda shared her experience as a woman with pregnancy complications amidst Texas abortion law at a Senate Judiciary Committee hearing. Read Amanda’s full testimony here.

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