Dear ___,
I am not sure if you read about the recent reports of two women, Josseli Barnica and Nevaeh Crain, whose deaths might have been prevented with critical medical care. They did not receive possibly life-saving care because of unintended confusion in Texas' current law. Countless others have lost their fertility or suffered needless trauma due to what would have been routine pregnancy complications before this law.
While exceptions exist in the law for life-threatening conditions, the law lacks the clarity it needs to protect doctors who feel necessary interventions are needed to safeguard the life of a mother or future fertility. Fear of civil suits and felony criminal charges is tying the hands of doctors to the most cautious and restrained decisions, and they are extremely reluctant to give full medical advice due to the threat that they may be reported. All of this is having a huge negative impact on the Texas medical landscape and the entire state's ability to recruit and retain doctors and other medical professionals.
I am inviting you to join the effort to clarify Texas law, which in turn will help protect all life.
There is a non-partisan effort working to change the laws in this next legislative session so that physicians will not be afraid to practice evidence-based medicine when caring for women with pregnancy complications. Texas Campaign for Mothers' goals are narrowly tailored to be achievable within the Texas political environment. They seek to:
Clarify the "life of the mother" exception so physicians know when they can intervene to help women with pregnancy complications.
Remove the severe penalties for physicians caring for women with pregnancy complications.
Add exceptions for fatal fetal abnormalities, rape, and incest.
Safeguard IVF.
I have joined as a Texas Campaign for Mothers' Member and would love for you to also become a Member if you are willing. They need broad support to convince legislators that their constituents want these changes. You can learn more about the organization here and add your name here. I recommend you watch the video on the home page if you want to better understand why this issue is so complicated for doctors and dangerous for pregnant women.